I am glad to see Apple reacting to the Android threat by opening its door a little more to developers. This is great news for all developers since it helps spur innovation. Here's the basic story, but you can find much more on the web about it.
Now is this enough? No. It still costs more to develop for Apple devices than for Android. You need a Mac (although maybe that just changed with Flash becoming an option, but Adobe tools are the costliest of all) and you still pay yearly developer fees of $99. Not much, but compared to zero it is significant for lone developers.
But let's talk about what would really shake things up. There are over 115 million Nintendo DS (and variant) devices floating around the world. That's a big party to crash. Wouldn't it be interesting to have an open developer community around that? Could the little guys compete? Well, no one thought they could on smartphones and now look at it. Nintendo could use something big and this could be it.